Radical Radiator Repair
About Me
Radical Radiator Repair

I had a car a few years ago that seemed to always have one problem after another. Finally, I got tired of paying for repair after repair, knowing that I was just going to end up paying again in a month or so. I wanted to save up for a better car, but I couldn’t do it if I was always paying the mechanic. So the next time that my car started overheating, I decided to fix it myself. I bought some tools, checked some books on car repair out of the library, looked up answers to my questions online, and pulled parts from old cars at the junkyard. And eventually, I fixed it. You can fix your own car problems too. I started this website to help people who are trying to learn how to be their own mechanics. If I can do it, you can do it.


Radical Radiator Repair

Timing Belt Replacement: 3 Facts That You Should Know

Bobbie Jones

Timing belts play a very important role in the proper function of your engine. In fact, without a functional timing belt to drive the camshaft if your engine, you will likely find that your engine simply refuses to run at all. That is why it is so important to understand what it takes to keep your timing belt in good condition and what you can do to help avoid an unexpected belt failure. The three facts outlined below can help you to gain this understanding.

Fact #1: Timing Belts Can Fail Without Warning

Minor damage to your timing belt, such as a misaligned tooth can result in an engine that runs rough or backfires. However, this type of damage is relatively rare. Instead, the damage that occurs over time will typically be on the inside of your timing belt. Since this damage cannot be seen or felt until the belt finally gives way and breaks, there may be absolutely no warning that your timing belt is getting ready to go. That is why it is so important to replace this belt in accordance with the original manufacturer's recommendation.

While some vehicles can go 100,000 miles before having the timing belt replaced, others will require this maintenance after every 45,000 miles. The frequency with which this maintenance is required will depend upon the type of engine your vehicle uses. Consequently, the best way to determine when your timing belt should be replaced is to consult the owners manual that came with your vehicle.

Fact #2: You Should Never Buy A Used Engine Unless The Timing Belt Has Been Replaced

Damage to a timing belt can be well hidden on the inside of the belt. Consequently, it is not uncommon for a timing belt to look brand new from the outside when it is truly getting ready to break on the inside. This is why it is so important for mechanics to always replace the timing belt when rebuilding an engine.

If you are planning to purchase a rebuilt engine for your vehicle, insist on proof that the timing belt has been replaced as part of the rebuilding process. A failure to do so could leave you dealing with an expensive repair to your engine in the near future.

Fact 3: Timing Belts Do Not Stretch Over Time

It is common belief that rubber timing belts stretch over time and that this is what causes them to slip and ultimately fail. However, the truth is, these rubber belts are reinforced with fiberglass strands that make them highly resistant to stretching. As the belt ages, these strands become brittle and begin to break. This is what causes timing belts to break. Consequently, the many additives and other products that claim to extend the life of your timing belt by preventing stretching are truly nothing more than a waste of money. Talk to experts like Athens Auto Works for more information.
