Radical Radiator Repair
About Me
Radical Radiator Repair

I had a car a few years ago that seemed to always have one problem after another. Finally, I got tired of paying for repair after repair, knowing that I was just going to end up paying again in a month or so. I wanted to save up for a better car, but I couldn’t do it if I was always paying the mechanic. So the next time that my car started overheating, I decided to fix it myself. I bought some tools, checked some books on car repair out of the library, looked up answers to my questions online, and pulled parts from old cars at the junkyard. And eventually, I fixed it. You can fix your own car problems too. I started this website to help people who are trying to learn how to be their own mechanics. If I can do it, you can do it.


Radical Radiator Repair

Tips For Buying A Pick-Up Truck That Won't Guzzle Gas

Bobbie Jones

There are so many reasons to consider purchasing a pick-up truck. It can be quite handy to have a truck bed that you can use to haul things around, and you may even need a truck because of the type of work that you do or the activities that you like to enjoy on the weekends.

One concern that you might have about buying a pick-up truck, however, is the fact that these trucks can use a lot more fuel than many other vehicles that are on the road. You probably don't want to spend a fortune on fuel, but you shouldn't let that get in the way of purchasing a nice pick-up truck. Instead, consider these tips when shopping so that you can buy a truck that won't cost you a fortune in gas.

1. Consider Going Smaller

You might have your eyes on the biggest truck at the dealership, but think about your needs. Unless you truly need a full-size truck, a smaller truck might provide you with the same benefits without using as much fuel. An added bonus is that smaller trucks are often more affordable as well.

2. Skip the Four-Wheel Drive

Unless you know that you'll need it, consider skipping the four-wheel drive option. Four-wheel drive systems are quite heavy and can cause your vehicle to use a lot more fuel. Plus, a four-wheel drive truck is generally going to cost more than a two-wheel drive option. Basically, buying a four-wheel drive truck "just because" can be costly in the long run.

3. Go Newer

You might be thinking about buying an older truck, but many vehicle manufacturers have been putting in additional effort in recent years to reduce fuel consumption in their trucks. You might find that a newer truck will be more affordable to drive, which can help make up for the higher price tag.

4. Compare

Always compare the fuel economies between various makes and models before buying. It's not always a good idea to be brand loyal when you're buying a vehicle. Instead, along with comparing other things, compare the fuel efficiency of each truck. You might be surprised by the difference between similar makes and models.

As you can see, it is entirely possible to purchase a pick-up truck that will not require a lot of fuel. If you follow these tips, you can purchase a pick-up truck that won't guzzle gas. Contact a business like Grey Chevrolet Inc to learn more.
