Radical Radiator Repair
About Me
Radical Radiator Repair

I had a car a few years ago that seemed to always have one problem after another. Finally, I got tired of paying for repair after repair, knowing that I was just going to end up paying again in a month or so. I wanted to save up for a better car, but I couldn’t do it if I was always paying the mechanic. So the next time that my car started overheating, I decided to fix it myself. I bought some tools, checked some books on car repair out of the library, looked up answers to my questions online, and pulled parts from old cars at the junkyard. And eventually, I fixed it. You can fix your own car problems too. I started this website to help people who are trying to learn how to be their own mechanics. If I can do it, you can do it.


Radical Radiator Repair

Five Tips For Saving Money On Car Repairs

Bobbie Jones

If you own a foreign car, you know that repairs tend to be especially expensive on your vehicle. Foreign auto parts logically cost more because they need to be imported, and mechanics are likely to charge more even for labor on a foreign vehicle because of the added mechanical complexities it features.

Despite the potentially high costs of foreign auto repair, you can make owning a foreign vehicle affordable by putting a little extra thought into how you can save on auto repairs. The following five tips are a good start: 

Read your owner's manual

Educating yourself is an important first step to saving money on anything. Your vehicle owner's manual is a wonderful source of information on potential malfunctions of your vehicle and how they can be prevented. 

Get a code reader

If you purchase your own on-board diagnostics scanner, you will be able to read codes that explain why your check engine light is on. With a code reader, you'll know exactly what your vehicle needs and you'll be prepared to discuss needed repairs with your mechanic. 

It's easy to find and learn how to operate an on-board diagnostics scanner. These devices can be ordered online or purchased at a local auto supply store. 

Don't procrastinate about getting repairs done

Despite your busy schedule, you need to make sure that auto repair needs are a priority. If you continue to drive a vehicle that needs work, you might cause added mechanical damage to your vehicle.

Keep up on maintenance

When you're looking over your owner's manual, pay particular attention to your vehicle's maintenance schedule. This will show you how often you need to bring your vehicle in for routine maintenance like oil changes and tire rotation. 

When it comes to saving money on auto repair needs, prevention is the best strategy. Keep up on maintenance needs and you'll probably notice that you very rarely need to purchase expensive new auto parts.  

Find the right repair shop

Don't assume that a repair shop that charges more or is more well known in your area necessarily offers better service. Put some research into which auto repair shop you go to. It's an especially good idea to look to word-of-mouth recommendations as a good source of inside information on the best repair shops in the area. Find a friend or acquaintance who knows a lot about cars and ask what the best place in the area is for having foreign vehicles repaired. Not all shops repair foreign cars, so look for one that does, such as Wolfe's Foreign Auto.
