Radical Radiator Repair
About Me
Radical Radiator Repair

I had a car a few years ago that seemed to always have one problem after another. Finally, I got tired of paying for repair after repair, knowing that I was just going to end up paying again in a month or so. I wanted to save up for a better car, but I couldn’t do it if I was always paying the mechanic. So the next time that my car started overheating, I decided to fix it myself. I bought some tools, checked some books on car repair out of the library, looked up answers to my questions online, and pulled parts from old cars at the junkyard. And eventually, I fixed it. You can fix your own car problems too. I started this website to help people who are trying to learn how to be their own mechanics. If I can do it, you can do it.


Radical Radiator Repair

4 Reasons To Tint Your Car Windows

Bobbie Jones

Tinting your car windows provides more than just a sleek appearance from the outside; there are also some great benefits to choosing this option. Here are some different reasons to consider tinting your car windows.

 You Keep Cool

If you live in a hot climate and often deal with temperatures in the 90s and 100s during the spring and summer, you will be happy to know tinting can keep it cooler in your car. The window tinting films used on your car windows will help block some of the heat that comes in through the sun's UV rays, and might even keep you from needing to run your car's air conditioning on some days. It saves you from a miserable drive if your air conditioning isn't working.

Better Privacy

One of the reasons many people choose window tinting is because it gives you better privacy inside your car. It doesn't affect how well you can see from the inside of your car, but it does block what others can see from the outside. Whether you are just someone that protects your personal privacy or you don't want anyone to see what valuables are in your car, this can be very useful.

Driving is Improved

Did you know window tinting can also improve your driving and reduce your risk of car accidents? This is because window tinting can help block that pesky glare from the sun. Direct sunlight can cause a glare when you are driving at certain times of the day, sometimes even blocking your vision. This is incredibly dangerous and makes you drive poorly. With window tinting, the sun bounces off the windows and helps to shield your eyes. Also, consider the fact that the reduced UV rays in your car can save your skin from sunburn and cancer as well.

It Protects Your Car's Interior

A benefit of car window tinting that you might not be aware of is the fact that it can protect your interior. Since the window tinting film helps to block a good amount of the sun's UV rays, it also provides protection for your interior. You will notice that the upholstery or leather interior in your car doesn't fade as quickly as if you didn't have the window tinting. This can also help protect items in your car that might have gotten destroyed by the sun. If you accidentally left a CD out, it is much less likely to get ruined by the sun if you have window tinting.
